5 Profitable Digital Products to Sell Online in 2022

Selling digital products online is a great way to make money since they can easily be sold repeatedly to multiple buyers without having to remake them. However, if you are looking to join the digital product niche, you need to know some of the best-selling digital products to make the most profit.

This article will focus on the most profitable digital products to sell online.

Let’s get started!

Best Selling Digital Products to Sell Online 

Deciding how to sell your skills online in the form of digital products should not be as complex as rocket science,

Online courses: The E-learning market has been growing since 2015, with a market worth $107 billion back then and US$315 billion in 2021. Online courses have become one of the best-selling digital products of 2022 and are set to see more growth as more people opt to learn online over physical classes. Selling online courses online is a great way to start selling digital products on your e-commerce website. Creating an online course requires some energy upfront, but it’s a great way to package your informational content into one giant content that will benefit learners. However, you need to be an expert in your field or at hiring one to create a course for you as you want to make sure to keep a good impression and boost long-term profit. 

Membership:  Rather than sell digital products individually, you can package your products into a single membership plan to generate recurring revenue. This is perfect if you’re looking to grow a library of premium content and build a community of members invested in your niche.

 Another interesting thing about paid membership is that you don’t have to create different content for this. With our list, you can create digital products like online courses, ebooks, templates, and others, then lock access to them in a paid monthly subscription with extra packages to entice members. You should consider setting up a membership website if you already have some digital products for sale. It’s one of the most profitable digital products to sell online in 2022.

Ebooks: No matter your niche, written content are essential. With the development of reading devices, ebooks have become one of the best-selling digital products and also a great way to make your name known in your space. However, selling ebooks is not a get-rich-quick. If you don’t already have a standing audience, selling a digital product like ebooks would require you to grow your trusted audience before seeing huge sales enough to make much of a difference. 

This doesn’t mean you cannot become an author if you don’t have a standing audience. With helpful resources like the Kindlepreneur book marketing course, you can learn how to market your new ebook and see profits on amazon. Or, if you already own a Shopify store, selling your ebook as a pdf or any other Shopify digital product is also a great idea. 

However, there’s one key thing about selling ebooks. You have to set aside some captial for promotions. This isn’t only true for ebooks. Every niche has competition, all fighting for the attention of your prospects. Your marketing strategy is your way of standing out from the competition.

Template: You can sell digital products as solutions to people who need them. Templates and tools would make life easier for customers. If you have a skill as a story writer, some digital products to sell would be profitable.

  • Character arc templates
  • Plot and structure templates
  • Outline templates

These are all helpful solutions to problems your target market is looking for and an interesting way to profit off digital products. Creating templates is easy and can be added as part of a premium product under paid subscriptions or used primarily to get the audience’s email address. Using templates to get information on the target audience might not turn in profits for you but help you sell other digital products with the information you get. 

Services: Because services are essentially the counterpart of digital products in that your asset is only as significant as the number of working hours you can accommodate, they go well with a range of digital product kinds.

Additionally, a lot of services include free digital products for their customers. A personal trainer could give a workout schedule. Leaning into this, you can present some services as bundles with valuable digital goods.

A business marketing strategist might deliver a strategy template to customers.

Consider productizing those routine operations you perform as part of your service business that is simple for you yet beneficial to your clients.

Best E-commerce Platforms for Selling Digital Products

  • Your website: Your website is a great place to start selling any kind of digital product you wish to sell. However, there’s one slight downside to this. You basically have to build your audience from scratch, unlike other platforms, which already have a good amount of your target audience waiting to be leveraged.
  • Shopify: Shopify digital products are also great. Shopify is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms and has high authority on search engines, not to mention lots of resources to help you optimize your store for success.
  • Amazon: If you’re looking to sell ebooks, Amazon is a great place to set your eyes on. Kdp has brought your audience to your doorstep. With the right help, you can leverage Amazon’s existing audience to your advantage. 
  • Fiverr & Upwork: Fiverr and Upwork are not for selling digital products per se, but it’s a great place to start if you offer services. These platforms already have tons of audiences looking for those services. 

Selling digital products online can make you money anywhere from $100 to $10,000 monthly or more with the right strategy and understanding of the target market. All you need to do is decide which digital product fits your niche best and create something that stands out from competitors. Then finally, market to your audience. 
